“Thrown into the World of Maternity” – Harriet’s Story

After joining the TensCare and MamaTENS team in June 2014, I have rapidly progressed from having zero knowledge of maternity, midwifery, and babies, to finding myself researching, marketing, Tweet-ing and Facebook-ing the subject on a day-to-day basis; even sneaking a quick look at the weekends too (no Mum, I’m not getting broody… yet!)

Our MamaTENS range of products has certainly drawn my attention to the types of alternative pain relief available during childbirth. I have always been a firm believer in alternative therapies and treatments, and am proud to be offering an easy-to-use, drug-free, pain relief alternative for Mums-to-be. Maternity TENS are non-intrusive and allow expectant Mums to remain in control during one of the most scary and stressful moments in their lives.

After just a few weeks here at TensCare, I’ve soon come to realise that maternity is everywhere. Literally, EVERYWHERE. And why wouldn’t it be? It’s a natural part of the life cycle, and people need to know about it. Whether they want to or not, everyone will come into contact with maternity and childbirth at some stage in their life (excluding their own birth, obviously!)

Maternity is on TV (I now find myself a keen One Born Every Minute viewer – much to the horror of my partner), it’s in the news, in the shops, it’s all over social media, and there’s a huge community of bloggers and writers both online and offline talking about all manners of related content. Interest in the subject has exploded, and information is easily accessible by anyone. Our wonderful World Wide Web is hugely beneficial in terms of allowing anyone access to tonnes of information, but also means that anyone can call themselves an ‘expert.’

Well, I’m certainly not calling myself an expert, but I do know that people want to share their own experiences and opinions, and be part of acommunity.

That’s why, here at MamaTENS, we are offering the chance for you to join acommunity – follow our blog for news, information and advice, and join our online social community to share your thoughts and experiences with other mums-to-be and healthcare professionals, and open yourself up to a whole range of other communities in the process.

If you would like to contribute posts to our blog, or send in reviews and comments, please feel free to email your details and ideas to me harriet.kendrick[@]tenscare.co.uk or another member of our team and we will be happy to help.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Harriet 🙂

Digital Marketing Manager

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